
Symptom Problem Remedy
    A     Ammeter
1) Ammeter needle stops at a given amperage even though wind gusts are much higher Belt is slipping, or see C # 1 & 2 Adjust belt, and/or apply belt dressing. Tension should be about 3/4 inch deflection
2) Amp needle jumps from zero to given amps consistently bypassing intermediate amperages Mercury switch is out of adjustment Adjust merc. switch more nearly horizontal
3) Amp needle shows field is on (discharge dips to left about 3 amps) a. In Low winds, 0-10 mph: Merc. switch is out of adjustment Tilt end of mercury switch with wires up slightly
b. in high winds without charging 1. Pos. wire is disconnected somewhere, check turntable assembly brushes.
2. Alternator is faulty
c. In low wind when tail is pointing +/- 180 deg from the direction the tail was pointing when first adjusted Turntable is not perfectly vertical, inclines enough to affect mercury in field switch
4) Amp needle jumps erratically and/or shows strong discharge or no charge at all Loose, corroded, or improper connection 1. Check all wire terminals for loose nuts or connectors, and fatigued or broken wires. Wire fatigue is a sign of vibration. see B, a. & b.
B Vibration
a. Drive pulley is off center. Belt tension varies, Turn blade slowly by hand, check belt tension several times per revolution. see page 19 paragraph 3 or Pulley Mount
b. Blade is unbalanced Blade Balancing
C Battery and Volt reading
1) Voltmeter shows disconnected battery charge is generally low. Battery charges quickly but won't hold a charge. Battery is shot. Charges to capacity, & causes volt regulator to turn off field at about 1-1/2 to 5 Amps output. See A-1 Replace faulty cell or entire battery. See Battery maintenance
2) Low voltage while alternator is charging. Normal is about 16V Alternator or Volt Regulator is faulty, or needs adjustment Replace or refer to automotive manual with specific brand/make.
D Feathering
1) Tilt Mechanism is sluggish or won't right itself a. Feathering pulley is shot or cable is caught between wheel and cheek Replace pulley, check for signs of fraying.
b. Spring is weak or broken Replace spring, check end hook fixtures
c. Feathering axle is stuck Clean bushings, apply oil, check for bent axle, loose frame bolts or wood rot.
2) Machine makes dire noise: a. Squeaks Oil Bearings, apply belt dressing. Align pulleys so that belt feeds directly and not at a slight angle
b. Rumble or flutter 1. Check for loose blade bearings (blade may need rebalance)
2. Field has no load, battery is charged.
Also see: A. 1 & 2, C. 1 & 2.

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